Abstract: Event management is the systematic planning and execution of events such as marriage, concert, ceremonies, formal parties, conferences etc. Event management companies are responsible for the above, and almost everything comes as a package- photography, food, lightings and decoration, event security etc. Many start-ups in this domain suffer from lack of recognition or engagements. Online marketing is one mode of strategic promotion of these companies [5]. Development of web applications and mobile apps; online booking and remote communication with clients and online payment gateway are the areas on which these companies must focus upon. In this paper we demonstrate the back-end and front-end design of a web-application suited for event management. MySQL is used as the back-end tool; PHP and HTML as front-end design tools; CSS and bootstrap for page design and JavaScript for validation.
Keywords: Web application, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and PHP, Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), bootstrap, online booking.